Trees are a beautiful addition to any property, providing shade, beauty, and even value to a home. However, there are situations when a tree can become a hazard to people and property. When this happens, hiring a professional tree removal service is essential. But how do you know when it’s time to do so? This article will outline five telltale signs that you need to hire a tree removal service.

The Tree is Dead or Dying

One of the most obvious signs that it’s time to hire a tree removal service is when a tree is dead or dying. A dead tree is not only an eyesore but also a safety hazard. Dead trees are more likely to fall, especially during storms or high winds, and can cause significant damage to property and people. A dying tree may also have weak branches that snap and fall unexpectedly. A tree removal service will assess the tree’s condition and determine whether it needs removal.

The Tree is Leaning

A tree leaning to one side is a sign that it’s unstable and may fall at any moment. The tree may be leaning due to storm damage, disease, or pest infestation. A leaning tree is a safety hazard and must be removed immediately. A tree removal service will have the expertise and equipment necessary to remove a leaning tree safely.

The Tree is Too Close to the House or Power Lines

If a tree is too close to the house or power lines, it can cause significant damage if it falls. Trees too close to the house can also damage the foundation or roof. Trees too close to power lines can cause power outages and pose a significant safety risk. A tree removal service can safely remove trees that are too close to the house or power lines without causing damage to the property or the power lines.

The Tree is Diseased or Infested with Pests

Trees can become diseased or infested with pests, weakening the tree and making it more likely to fall. A diseased or infested with pest may also pose a risk to other trees in the surrounding area. A tree removal service can assess the tree’s condition and determine whether it needs removal. They can also recommend treatment options for trees that have yet to be gone.

The Tree is Interfering with New Construction or Landscaping

It may need removal if a tree interferes with new construction or landscaping. Trees in the way of new construction can cause delays and additional costs. Trees interfering with landscaping can also be an eyesore and may not fit with the property’s overall design. A tree removal service can safely remove trees interfering with new construction or landscaping without causing damage to other structures or the surrounding area.


Trees are a beautiful addition to any property, but they can become a safety hazard if they are dead, leaning, too close to the house or power lines, diseased or infested with pests, or interfering with new construction or landscaping. If you notice any of these signs, it’s time to hire a tree removal service. A professional tree removal service will assess the tree’s condition, determine whether it needs to be removed, and safely remove the tree without causing damage to property or people. Take your time; hire a tree removal service today.

If you need a reliable and professional tree removal service, look no further than JNP Tree Removal, LLC. Our team of experts has the knowledge and experience to safely remove any tree that may be a safety hazard to your property. Contact us today to schedule your tree removal service and ensure the safety of your property and loved ones.