Warning signs that a tree is going to fall can be difficult to spot. Trees are living organisms, and often, by the time you notice the signs that a tree is going to fall, it is too late to do anything about it. However, some warning signs can indicate a tree is at risk of falling, and it is important to be aware of these signs so that you can take action before the tree falls and causes damage or injury. 

Knowing the warning signs of a tree that is about to fall can help you stay safe and protect your home and property. Here are five warning signs that a tree is going to fall:

  1. The Trunk is Leaning

Trees leaning more than 15 degrees are likely to fall soon. If the trunk is leaning, it could be due to several factors, including soil erosion, root damage, or an imbalance in the tree’s canopy. If you notice that a tree is leaning, you should contact a professional tree service for assessment.

  1. Mushrooms or Fungi Are Growing at the Base

Mushrooms and fungus growing at the base of a tree can be a sign that the tree is in trouble. This often indicates that the tree is rotting from the inside and could be a sign that it’s about to fall. If you notice mushrooms or fungus at the base of a tree, you should call for a tree service.

  1. There is Decay or Damage

A tree with dead or rotting wood is a sign of decay. Decay can weaken the tree and make it more susceptible to falling. In addition, any visible damage to the trunk or branches should be examined, as this could indicate that the tree is not structurally sound.

  1. It Has Been Struck by Lighting

If the tree has been struck by lightning, it is a sign that the tree is at risk of falling. Lightning strikes can cause significant damage to a tree and can cause it to become unstable and prone to falling. It is important to be aware of these warning signs and take the necessary steps to protect yourself and your property.

  1. It’s Located in a Spot with a Lot of Movement

If the tree is located near a construction site or other spot where there’s a lot of vibration or movement, this can cause the roots to become weakened and make the tree more likely to fall. If you’re in an area where construction is taking place, you should keep an eye on nearby trees and contact a tree service if you notice any signs of decay or instability.


If you notice any of these signs, it is important to take action immediately. Contact a tree service to assess the situation if the tree is on your property. They can provide advice on how to safely remove the tree or offer other solutions to protect your property and your family. By following these tips, you can help ensure the safety of yourself and your property. If you notice any of the warning signs that a tree is going to fall, take action right away to protect yourself and your loved ones.

Did you spot a nearby tree that is in danger of tipping over? JNP Tree Removal, LLC offers tree service in Bridgeport, CT. We are a trusted business licensed and insured with over eight years of professional experience removing hazardous, dead, and fallen trees. Contact us today!