The straightforward step is to chop down and remove the tree from your property. Assuming you use a reliable tree removal company, removing a dead tree is typically short. Nonetheless, dealing with the remaining tree stump might be challenging. Although a tree stump may appear harmless, it should be removed as soon as possible because it poses a safety risk to your property.

Here are several reasons why you should permanently remove that tree stump:

1. Take Up a Valuable Space

Leaving a large tree stump on the ground without purpose might be ugly. A landscaping specialist would perceive the region to be dead space. By removing the tree stump, a large area can be liberated. It allows you to set up a picnic table or create a safe play and running area for youngsters.

2. Pest Infestation Might Occur

A tree stump will decompose if left alone with the aid of living things. For example, carpenter ants may colonize the stump and set up nests there. These ants eventually spread to other trees, plants, and your house.

Tree stumps can support termites, beetles, wood wasps, snakes, rodents, and fungi that can spread to nearby trees, shrubs, and buildings, making removal costly and time-consuming. 

3. Cause Unsightly Regrowth

Certain tree species may continue to sprout sucker growth after being cut down close to or above grade. If this happens, you might have to spend time and money pruning the suckers or dousing them with pesticides.

Additionally, these nutrient thieves harm other parts of your landscaping by stealing nutrients from nearby plants. These re-growing trees become unattractive bushes that approximate their original appearance if left to flourish.

4. Hazardous 

Tree stumps might be hazardous if you have children or animals who play on the ground. They are accessible to trip or fall on, and their roots can still generate uneven ground. Moreover, they might provide considerable maintenance challenges. 

For instance, you may incur expenses if you (or a mowing service) run over a tree stump while mowing. This unscheduled visit to the repair shop could be costly. On commercial sites, tree stumps may present an even greater liability risk, as visitors may trip and fall and hold the property owner financially responsible.

5. Decrease Property Value

Tree stumps might lower a home’s value because they are unsightly. Consider this. Would you want to buy a house with a yard overflowing with thriving, well-kept trees? 

Or one with even a single tree stump inside? The tree stump may have already started to destroy essential property features. Most buyers are reluctant to pay for expensive repairs when buying a home. A lovely mature tree will increase the value of your property, but an ugly old stump won’t.

6. Make Gardening Chores Difficult

When cultivating the soil, its presence can mean digging around it or creating a path for tools to go over it, which takes a lot of extra work. Raking leaves and tidying up the garden is also more challenging, as it requires extra maneuvering around the stump. 


Leaving a tree stump on the ground is not a good idea. Not only could it be a safety hazard, but it could also cause significant damage to your property if left unchecked. 

Finally, removing the tree stump can make room for new tree growth and improve the overall look of your yard. So if you want to keep your landscaping in great shape, consider removing the tree stump before any serious complications arise. 

If you need stump removal in Fairfield, CT, let JNP Tree Removal, LLC handle it! We use the latest equipment to quickly and safely remove stumps, leaving your lawn neat. Get in touch with us now!